区别辨析decrease、diminish、lessen、reduce与dwindle 您所在的位置:网站首页 cut reduce 区别辨析decrease、diminish、lessen、reduce与dwindle


2024-07-14 07:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2023年6月14日 口语与词汇



decrease : 指逐渐地、不断地减少。

Our share of the market has decreased sharply this year. 今年我们的市场份额急剧下降。 We have decreased our involvement in children's books. 我们减少了在儿童读物方面的投入。

diminish : 侧重大小数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。

I don't want to diminish her achievements, but she did have a lot of help. 我不想贬低她的成就,但她确实得到了很多帮助。 These memories will not be diminished by time. 这些记忆不会随着时间的流逝而淡漠。 What he did has seriously diminished him in many people's eyes. 他的所作所为严重损害了他在许多人眼里的形象。 We've seen our house diminish greatly/sharply/substantially in value over the last six months. 在最近6个月里,我们这座房屋的价格暴跌。

lessen : 普通用词,与decrease近义。指数目、程度、价值、实力等的减少。

A healthy diet can lessen the risk of heart disease. 健康饮食能降低患心脏病的危险。 The noise began to lessen. 噪音开始减弱。 to lessen the risk/impact/effect of sth 减少某事物的风险 / 影响 / 效果

reduce : 普通用词,含义广。指数量、程度的降低或减少。

Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war? 核武器真的可以减小战争爆发的危险吗? The plane reduced speed as it approached the airport. 当飞临机场时,飞机减慢了速度。 My weight reduces when I stop eating sugar. 我停止吃糖时体重就会下降。 We bought a TV that was reduced from £500 to £350 in the sales. 我们在大减价时,买了一台从500英镑减至350英镑的电视。 I reduced the problem to a few simple questions. 我把这个难题简化为几个简单的小问题。


The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former size in the last two years. 该社区在过去的两年里缩小到了原来的1/10。 Her hopes of success in the race dwindled last night as the weather became worse. 随着昨晚天气的恶化,她在比赛中获胜的希望减小了。 词汇辨析






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